Meet Srinivasan ,he has a brother name ganesh both are a bright and determined 16-year-old with a passion for learning. Raised by her dedicated single mother, Srinivasan and ganesh dreams of becoming a well seteld one day. However, the financial strain of providing for the family and covering school fees is overwhelming.Srinivasan & Srinivasan mother works tirelessly, but the cost of education is a significant burden. Despite the challenges, Sarah excels in her studies and actively participates in school activities, showcasing her potential and love for learning.With your generous support, we can ensure that Srinivasan ,Srinivasan continues her education without interruption. Your donation will cover her school fees, providing her with the stability and resources she needs to thrive academically.Join us in empowering Srinivasan & Srinivasan to achieve her dreams. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference in her journey towards a brighter future. Let's come together to support Srinivasan and her remarkable spirit.Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
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