My name is Soundariya, and I am a first-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce with Computer Science at Shri Krishna Swamy College. I am writing to you with a heavy heart and a deep sense of urgency, seeking your support to continue my education. Despite my best efforts and dedication, my family is currently facing severe financial hardships that are making it incredibly difficult for me to pursue my studies. I graduated from 12th grade with a score of 407 in the Commerce group, a reflection of my hard work and commitment. However, the financial strain on my family is overwhelming, and it threatens to halt my academic journey. My father works as a painter, a job that unfortunately comes with frequent periods of unemployment. For the past three months, his work has been inconsistent, and his daily income ranges between Rs 600 and 700. This amount barely covers our essential daily needs, leaving no room to support my education. The weight of these financial challenges is heavy, and the future of my studies is uncertain. I am deeply passionate about my education and dream of making a meaningful contribution in my field. However, without assistance, I fear that my academic aspirations may remain unfulfilled. I am reaching out with hope and humility, asking for your support during this critical time. Any help you can provide would make a profound difference and enable me to continue working towards my goals. Thank you for taking the time to consider my situation.
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